The purpose of this notebook it to provide scientific proof that cats are stranger than dogs (possibly of alien origin). Cats' features are of enormous variety compared to dogs and simply annoying to our brains.

Let's start by following the procedure to rearrange folders:

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import zipfile
from IPython.display import display, Image
from scipy import ndimage
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle

from skimage import color, io
from scipy.misc import imresize

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten
from keras.layers import Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, Activation, GlobalMaxPooling2D
from keras.layers import merge, Input, Lambda
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
from keras.models import Model
import h5py


# Config the matplotlib backend as plotting inline in IPython
%matplotlib inline

Using TensorFlow backend.

Load original Keras ResNet50 model without the top layer.

In [2]:
from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras.applications.resnet50 import preprocess_input, decode_predictions
import numpy as np

resnet_codes_model = ResNet50(input_shape=(300,300,3), include_top=False, weights='imagenet')    

Add a Pooling layer at the top to extract the CNN coded (aka bottleneck)

In [3]:
# Final model
model=Model(input=resnet_codes_model.input, output=GlobalMaxPooling2D()(resnet_codes_model.output))

In [4]:

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)             (None, 300, 300, 3)   0                                            
zeropadding2d_1 (ZeroPadding2D)  (None, 306, 306, 3)   0           input_1[0][0]                    
conv1 (Convolution2D)            (None, 150, 150, 64)  9472        zeropadding2d_1[0][0]            
bn_conv1 (BatchNormalization)    (None, 150, 150, 64)  256         conv1[0][0]                      
activation_1 (Activation)        (None, 150, 150, 64)  0           bn_conv1[0][0]                   
maxpooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D)    (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           activation_1[0][0]               
res2a_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 64)    4160        maxpooling2d_1[0][0]             
bn2a_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 64)    256         res2a_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_2 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           bn2a_branch2a[0][0]              
res2a_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 64)    36928       activation_2[0][0]               
bn2a_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 64)    256         res2a_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_3 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           bn2a_branch2b[0][0]              
res2a_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 256)   16640       activation_3[0][0]               
res2a_branch1 (Convolution2D)    (None, 74, 74, 256)   16640       maxpooling2d_1[0][0]             
bn2a_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 256)   1024        res2a_branch2c[0][0]             
bn2a_branch1 (BatchNormalization (None, 74, 74, 256)   1024        res2a_branch1[0][0]              
merge_1 (Merge)                  (None, 74, 74, 256)   0           bn2a_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_4 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 256)   0           merge_1[0][0]                    
res2b_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 64)    16448       activation_4[0][0]               
bn2b_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 64)    256         res2b_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_5 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           bn2b_branch2a[0][0]              
res2b_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 64)    36928       activation_5[0][0]               
bn2b_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 64)    256         res2b_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_6 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           bn2b_branch2b[0][0]              
res2b_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 256)   16640       activation_6[0][0]               
bn2b_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 256)   1024        res2b_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_2 (Merge)                  (None, 74, 74, 256)   0           bn2b_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_7 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 256)   0           merge_2[0][0]                    
res2c_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 64)    16448       activation_7[0][0]               
bn2c_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 64)    256         res2c_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_8 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           bn2c_branch2a[0][0]              
res2c_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 64)    36928       activation_8[0][0]               
bn2c_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 64)    256         res2c_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_9 (Activation)        (None, 74, 74, 64)    0           bn2c_branch2b[0][0]              
res2c_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 74, 74, 256)   16640       activation_9[0][0]               
bn2c_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 74, 74, 256)   1024        res2c_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_3 (Merge)                  (None, 74, 74, 256)   0           bn2c_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_10 (Activation)       (None, 74, 74, 256)   0           merge_3[0][0]                    
res3a_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   32896       activation_10[0][0]              
bn3a_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3a_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_11 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3a_branch2a[0][0]              
res3a_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   147584      activation_11[0][0]              
bn3a_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3a_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_12 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3a_branch2b[0][0]              
res3a_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 512)   66048       activation_12[0][0]              
res3a_branch1 (Convolution2D)    (None, 37, 37, 512)   131584      activation_10[0][0]              
bn3a_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 512)   2048        res3a_branch2c[0][0]             
bn3a_branch1 (BatchNormalization (None, 37, 37, 512)   2048        res3a_branch1[0][0]              
merge_4 (Merge)                  (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           bn3a_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_13 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           merge_4[0][0]                    
res3b_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   65664       activation_13[0][0]              
bn3b_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3b_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_14 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3b_branch2a[0][0]              
res3b_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   147584      activation_14[0][0]              
bn3b_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3b_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_15 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3b_branch2b[0][0]              
res3b_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 512)   66048       activation_15[0][0]              
bn3b_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 512)   2048        res3b_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_5 (Merge)                  (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           bn3b_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_16 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           merge_5[0][0]                    
res3c_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   65664       activation_16[0][0]              
bn3c_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3c_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_17 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3c_branch2a[0][0]              
res3c_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   147584      activation_17[0][0]              
bn3c_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3c_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_18 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3c_branch2b[0][0]              
res3c_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 512)   66048       activation_18[0][0]              
bn3c_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 512)   2048        res3c_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_6 (Merge)                  (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           bn3c_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_19 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           merge_6[0][0]                    
res3d_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   65664       activation_19[0][0]              
bn3d_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3d_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_20 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3d_branch2a[0][0]              
res3d_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 128)   147584      activation_20[0][0]              
bn3d_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 128)   512         res3d_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_21 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 128)   0           bn3d_branch2b[0][0]              
res3d_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 37, 37, 512)   66048       activation_21[0][0]              
bn3d_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 37, 37, 512)   2048        res3d_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_7 (Merge)                  (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           bn3d_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_22 (Activation)       (None, 37, 37, 512)   0           merge_7[0][0]                    
res4a_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   131328      activation_22[0][0]              
bn4a_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4a_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_23 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4a_branch2a[0][0]              
res4a_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   590080      activation_23[0][0]              
bn4a_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4a_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_24 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4a_branch2b[0][0]              
res4a_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 1024)  263168      activation_24[0][0]              
res4a_branch1 (Convolution2D)    (None, 19, 19, 1024)  525312      activation_22[0][0]              
bn4a_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4a_branch2c[0][0]             
bn4a_branch1 (BatchNormalization (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4a_branch1[0][0]              
merge_8 (Merge)                  (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           bn4a_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_25 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           merge_8[0][0]                    
res4b_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   262400      activation_25[0][0]              
bn4b_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4b_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_26 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4b_branch2a[0][0]              
res4b_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   590080      activation_26[0][0]              
bn4b_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4b_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_27 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4b_branch2b[0][0]              
res4b_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 1024)  263168      activation_27[0][0]              
bn4b_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4b_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_9 (Merge)                  (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           bn4b_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_28 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           merge_9[0][0]                    
res4c_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   262400      activation_28[0][0]              
bn4c_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4c_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_29 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4c_branch2a[0][0]              
res4c_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   590080      activation_29[0][0]              
bn4c_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4c_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_30 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4c_branch2b[0][0]              
res4c_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 1024)  263168      activation_30[0][0]              
bn4c_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4c_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_10 (Merge)                 (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           bn4c_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_31 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           merge_10[0][0]                   
res4d_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   262400      activation_31[0][0]              
bn4d_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4d_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_32 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4d_branch2a[0][0]              
res4d_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   590080      activation_32[0][0]              
bn4d_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4d_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_33 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4d_branch2b[0][0]              
res4d_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 1024)  263168      activation_33[0][0]              
bn4d_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4d_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_11 (Merge)                 (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           bn4d_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_34 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           merge_11[0][0]                   
res4e_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   262400      activation_34[0][0]              
bn4e_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4e_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_35 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4e_branch2a[0][0]              
res4e_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   590080      activation_35[0][0]              
bn4e_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4e_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_36 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4e_branch2b[0][0]              
res4e_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 1024)  263168      activation_36[0][0]              
bn4e_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4e_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_12 (Merge)                 (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           bn4e_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_37 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           merge_12[0][0]                   
res4f_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   262400      activation_37[0][0]              
bn4f_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4f_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_38 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4f_branch2a[0][0]              
res4f_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 256)   590080      activation_38[0][0]              
bn4f_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 256)   1024        res4f_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_39 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 256)   0           bn4f_branch2b[0][0]              
res4f_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 19, 19, 1024)  263168      activation_39[0][0]              
bn4f_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 19, 19, 1024)  4096        res4f_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_13 (Merge)                 (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           bn4f_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_40 (Activation)       (None, 19, 19, 1024)  0           merge_13[0][0]                   
res5a_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 512)   524800      activation_40[0][0]              
bn5a_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 512)   2048        res5a_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_41 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 512)   0           bn5a_branch2a[0][0]              
res5a_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 512)   2359808     activation_41[0][0]              
bn5a_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 512)   2048        res5a_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_42 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 512)   0           bn5a_branch2b[0][0]              
res5a_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 2048)  1050624     activation_42[0][0]              
res5a_branch1 (Convolution2D)    (None, 10, 10, 2048)  2099200     activation_40[0][0]              
bn5a_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 2048)  8192        res5a_branch2c[0][0]             
bn5a_branch1 (BatchNormalization (None, 10, 10, 2048)  8192        res5a_branch1[0][0]              
merge_14 (Merge)                 (None, 10, 10, 2048)  0           bn5a_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_43 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 2048)  0           merge_14[0][0]                   
res5b_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 512)   1049088     activation_43[0][0]              
bn5b_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 512)   2048        res5b_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_44 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 512)   0           bn5b_branch2a[0][0]              
res5b_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 512)   2359808     activation_44[0][0]              
bn5b_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 512)   2048        res5b_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_45 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 512)   0           bn5b_branch2b[0][0]              
res5b_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 2048)  1050624     activation_45[0][0]              
bn5b_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 2048)  8192        res5b_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_15 (Merge)                 (None, 10, 10, 2048)  0           bn5b_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_46 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 2048)  0           merge_15[0][0]                   
res5c_branch2a (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 512)   1049088     activation_46[0][0]              
bn5c_branch2a (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 512)   2048        res5c_branch2a[0][0]             
activation_47 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 512)   0           bn5c_branch2a[0][0]              
res5c_branch2b (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 512)   2359808     activation_47[0][0]              
bn5c_branch2b (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 512)   2048        res5c_branch2b[0][0]             
activation_48 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 512)   0           bn5c_branch2b[0][0]              
res5c_branch2c (Convolution2D)   (None, 10, 10, 2048)  1050624     activation_48[0][0]              
bn5c_branch2c (BatchNormalizatio (None, 10, 10, 2048)  8192        res5c_branch2c[0][0]             
merge_16 (Merge)                 (None, 10, 10, 2048)  0           bn5c_branch2c[0][0]              
activation_49 (Activation)       (None, 10, 10, 2048)  0           merge_16[0][0]                   
avg_pool (AveragePooling2D)      (None, 1, 1, 2048)    0           activation_49[0][0]              
globalmaxpooling2d_1 (GlobalMaxP (None, 2048)          0           avg_pool[0][0]                   
Total params: 23,587,712
Trainable params: 23,534,592
Non-trainable params: 53,120

The following preprocessing is not proper for the ResNet as it uses mean image rather than mean pixel (I chose VGG paper values) yet it yields little numerical differencies hence works properly and is more than enough for this experiment.

Note that it's required to install github version of keras for preprocessing_function to work with:

pip install git+ --upgrade

In [5]:
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
def img_to_bgr(im):
    # the following BGR values should be subtracted: [103.939, 116.779, 123.68]. (VGG)
    return (im[:,:,::-1] - np.array([103.939, 116.779, 123.68]))

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1., preprocessing_function=img_to_bgr) #(rescale=1./255)

Get the trainign and validation DirectoryIterators

In [6]:
train_batches = datagen.flow_from_directory("train", model.input_shape[1:3], shuffle=False, batch_size=32)
valid_batches = datagen.flow_from_directory("valid", model.input_shape[1:3], shuffle=False, batch_size=32)
test_batches = datagen.flow_from_directory("test", model.input_shape[1:3], shuffle=False, batch_size=32, class_mode=None)

Found 22949 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 2000 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 12500 images belonging to 1 classes.

Obtain the CNN codes for all images (it takes ~10 minutes on GTX 1080 GPU)

In [7]:
train_codes = model.predict_generator(train_batches, train_batches.nb_sample)

In [8]:
valid_codes = model.predict_generator(valid_batches, valid_batches.nb_sample)

In [9]:
test_codes = model.predict_generator(test_batches, test_batches.nb_sample)

Save the CNN codes for futher analysys

In [11]:
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical

with h5py.File(NAME+"_codes-train.h5") as hf:
    hf.create_dataset("X_train", data=train_codes)
    hf.create_dataset("X_valid", data=valid_codes)
    hf.create_dataset("Y_train", data=to_categorical(train_batches.classes))
    hf.create_dataset("Y_valid", data=to_categorical(valid_batches.classes))

In [12]:
with h5py.File(NAME+"_codes-test.h5") as hf:
    hf.create_dataset("X_test", data=test_codes)

Compute mean values of codes across all training codes

In [13]:
def get_codes_by_class(X,Y):
    if (len(X)!=l):
        raise Exception("X and Y are of different lengths")
    return [[X[i] for i in xrange(l) if Y[i]==c] for c in classes], classes
class_codes, classes=get_codes_by_class(train_codes, train_batches.classes)

# cats=np.log(cats)
# dogs=np.log(dogs)

Visualize codes as images. As it can be clearly seen, Cats have many different features (plenty of high value - dark spots) while dogs highly activate only two neurons (two distinct dark spots).

It can be concluded that cats activate more brain regions or are more annoying than dogs.

t's even more apparent when looking at the histograms of frequency domain.

In [14]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6))


freq = np.fft.fft2(cats.reshape(32,64))
freq = np.abs(freq)
ax[1,0].hist(np.log(freq).ravel(), bins=100)

freq = np.fft.fft2(dogs.reshape(32,64))
freq = np.abs(freq)
ax[1,1].hist(np.log(freq).ravel(), bins=100)

In [ ]: